Tuesday, 4 March 2014


What ho there chums - it's been a while has it not?

I thought it best to dash off a quick blogpost for my earnest reader whilst I can.  It's been a busy couple of months so let's have a mini think of what arty stuff I have been up to????

First off, the very splendid Comic Heroes magazine saw fit to do a very splendid write up of my work in a recent issue.  Fame at last gentle reader, fame at last....

That's not all - I was also invited by the equally lovely, but noisy Kerrang! to join in the fun of their Kerrang! Komic.  My humble scribblings featured Asking Alexandria - a popular beat-combo or so I'm told.

In other news, whilst I procrastinate away, I idly wondered if anyone out there in internet land would be interested in commissioning me to draw them something?  I'm exceedingly reasonable and none too shabby with a pencil.  Drop me an email at theboytaylor (all one word) at hotmail dot com with what you'd want (if you're in any way interested) and I'll get back to you.  Tell your friend as well why don't you?

Your chum