Friday, 23 September 2011


Quick post from the Weekly Themed Art Blog, on this week's theme of 'Bugs and Insects'.
Yep, it's that old favourite of mine, the Blue Beetle. This is a pencil sketch which I've attacked with digital painting. An interesting experiment if nothing else.....


Friday, 9 September 2011

Only Women Bleed

Weekly Themed Art Blog - this week's theme is Hammer Films.

I picked 'The Vampire Lovers' for a (very) quick sketch.


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Here I go...

....yet more press I'm afraid.

I've written a review of the Birmingham Comicon which made it's way to the Forbidden Planet Blog.

Unbeknownst to me, the Matthew Craig also wrote himself a review that I mentioned in the post below, and which appeared a day before mine. In what looks like crossed wires from two comics artists from Wolverhampton, we've been singing each other's praises. All strangely unbeknownst to each other.

AND....Rol Hirst (of PJANG and the forth coming 'Too Much Sex and Violence' comics fame), has also took the time to write up a quick review of my comic.

Hurrahs all round.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Sweet and Dandy

An awfully flattering mention of the Grinning Mask #2 in a Comicon review over at the splendid Forbidden Planet Blog.

Hurrah for the ever entertaining Matthew Craig for his kind words. Do check his comics out won't you?


Thursday, 1 September 2011

(More) Yesterday's Papers.....

Egad! There I am again - complete with a mention of the Grinning Mask.